Mapping breeding bird species richness at management-relevant resolutions across the United States

Spatial Resolution:
500m 2500m 5000m
Number of species


Group Variable Description Resolutions
Biodiversity Predictors Cloudiness Index Landsat 8-based cloudiness index. To calculate a standardized cumulative cloud count, or Cloudiness Index, we took the sum of cloudy pixels across our image stack and divided this by the total number of available images. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Cumulative DHI Cumulative Dynamic Habitat Indices from Landsat-8 2013 to 2020. This metric is created by summing up all monthly median NDVI values. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Minimum DHI Minimum Dynamic Habitat Indices from Landsat-8 2013 to 2020. This metric is created by selecting the minimum NDVI. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Variation DHI Variation Dynamic Habitat Indices from Landsat-8 2013 to 2020. This metric is created by calculating the coefficient of variation of NDVI. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Median Greenness EVI Mean Greenness Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) based on composite image of median EVI values between May and August (2013-2019) as a representative measure of vegetation greenness during the growing season. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Peak Greenness EVI Peak Greenness Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) based on 90th percentile greenness values across our image stack between May and August (2013-2019). 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Housing density The block-level housing density from the 2010 housing dataset, resampled from ( change/). 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Texture Contrast All texture metrics are based on the cumulative DHI. This is a second order texture metric, based on a 17×17 moving window. For specific information on texture visit textures/ 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Texture Correlation All texture metrics are based on the cumulative DHI. This is a second order texture metric, based on a 17×17 moving window. For specific information on texture visit textures/ 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Texture Dissimilarity All texture metrics are based on the cumulative DHI. This is a second order texture metric, based on a 17×17 moving window. For specific information on texture visit textures/ 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Texture Entropy All texture metrics are based on the cumulative DHI. This is a second order texture metric, based on a 17×17 moving window. For specific information on texture visit textures/ 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Texture Mean All texture metrics are based on the cumulative DHI. This is a first order texture metric, based on a 17×17 moving window. For specific information on texture visit textures/ 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Texture Standard Deviation All texture metrics are based on the cumulative DHI. This is a first order texture metric, based on a 17×17 moving window. For specific information on texture visit textures/ 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Texture Uniformity All texture metrics are based on the cumulative DHI. This is a second order texture metric, based on a 17×17 moving window. For specific information on texture visit textures/ 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Texture Variance All texture metrics are based on the cumulative DHI. This is a first order texture metric, based on a 17×17 moving window. For specific information on texture visit textures/ 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Summer Relative Temperature Metric based on data from Landsat 8’s Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), from 2014 to 2020. Summer (June to August) relative temperature is derived by assigning the mean value within a moving window to the central pixel, and then taking the median value of those means across the image stack. Based on 17×17 moving window. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Summer Thermal Heterogeneity Metric based on data from Landsat 8’s Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), from 2014 to 2020. Summer (June to August) thermal heterogeneity is derived by assigning the standard deviation value within a moving window to the central pixel, and then taking the median value of those standard deviations across the image stack. Based on 17×17 moving window. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Temperature Amplitude Metric based on data from Landsat 8’s Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), from 2014 to 2020. To evaluate the potential effects of the magnitude of seasonal differences in temperature on birds, we calculated a measure of temperature amplitude by taking the difference between median summer and winter relative temperatures. Based on 17×17 moving window. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Winter Relative Temperature Metric based on data from Landsat 8’s Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), from 2014 to 2020. Winter (December to February) relative temperature is derived by assigning the mean value within a moving window to the central pixel, and then taking the median value of those means across the image stack. Based on 17×17 moving window. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Winter Thermal Heterogeneity Metric based on data from Landsat 8’s Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), from 2014 to 2020. Winter (December to February) thermal heterogeneity is derived by assigning the standard deviation value within a moving window to the central pixel, and then taking the median value of those standard deviations across the image stack. Based on 17×17 moving window. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Frozen Ground (no snow) WHIs are based on temporally harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data (30 m). This metric represents frequency of frozen ground without snow days (requires additional data for frozen ground status from PRISM). It is calculated for the core winter months only (Dec- Feb), derived from 8-day composites of snow observations, and captures freeze/thaw dynamics and approximate subnivean conditions to varying degrees. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Snow Cover Variability WHIs are based on temporally harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data (30 m). This metric represents It is calculated for the core winter months only (Dec- Feb), derived from 8-day composites of snow observations, and captures freeze/thaw dynamics and approximate subnivean conditions to varying degrees. 500m 2500m 5000m
Biodiversity Predictors Snow Season Length WHIs are based on temporally harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data (30 m). This metric represents snow season length. Snow season length is comparable to overall winter length, indicates how long birds are exposed to winter conditions, and is calculated by taking the difference between the first and last snow dates. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Large Ranged Species Range size was determined by taking the median of all BBS species’ ranges and designating ranges below the median as small-ranged and those above the median as large-ranged. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Threatened Species The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species was used when defining threatened species. This includes higher classifications. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Small Ranged Species Range size was determined by taking the median of all BBS species’ ranges and designating ranges below the median as small-ranged and those above the median as large-ranged. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Shrubland Specialists We based affiliate and specialist statuses on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Habitats Classification Scheme (Version 3.1). Habitat specialist species were defined as those with only one habitat of major importance, while affiliates had two or more during the breeding season. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Shrubland Affiliates We based affiliate and specialist statuses on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Habitats Classification Scheme (Version 3.1). Habitat specialist species were defined as those with only one habitat of major importance, while affiliates had two or more during the breeding season. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Short Distance Migrants Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) designations were used for migration strategy classifications. Short-distance migrants as migratory birds wintering primarily in the United States and Canada and long-distance birds as neotropical migrants. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Resident Species Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) designations were used for migration strategy classifications. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Overall Species Richness This includes all species found in the conterminous US, with both guild and BBS data available. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Mid-story and Canopy Nesting Species Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) designations were used for nesting strategy classifications. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Long Distance Migrants Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) designations were used for migration strategy classifications. Short-distance migrants as migratory birds wintering primarily in the United States and Canada and long-distance birds as neotropical migrants. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Insectivores Foraging type class was based on the Elton Traits database. Insectivores are insect eating species. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Granivores Foraging type class was based on the Elton Traits database. Granivores included seed and nut eating species. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Grassland Specialists We based affiliate and specialist statuses on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Habitats Classification Scheme (Version 3.1). Habitat specialist species were defined as those with only one habitat of major importance, while affiliates had two or more during the breeding season. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Ground Nesting Species Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) designations were used for nesting strategy classifications. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Grassland Affiliates We based affiliate and specialist statuses on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Habitats Classification Scheme (Version 3.1). Habitat specialist species were defined as those with only one habitat of major importance, while affiliates had two or more during the breeding season. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Forest Affiliates We based affiliate and specialist statuses on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Habitats Classification Scheme (Version 3.1). Habitat specialist species were defined as those with only one habitat of major importance, while affiliates had two or more during the breeding season. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Forest Specialists We based affiliate and specialist statuses on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Habitats Classification Scheme (Version 3.1). Habitat specialist species were defined as those with only one habitat of major importance, while affiliates had two or more during the breeding season. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Species with Increasing and Stable Populations Population trends are from BirdLife International. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Species with Decreasing Populations Population trends are from BirdLife International. 500m 2500m 5000m
Guild Maps Frugivores Foraging type class was based on the Elton Traits database. Frugivores were considered fruit and nectar- eating species. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Large Ranged Species Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Large Ranged Species. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Threatened Species Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Threatened Species. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Small Ranged Species Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Small Ranged Species. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Shrubland Specialists Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Shrubland Specialists. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Shrubland Affiliates. Random forest predictions are generated by 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Intervals for Shrubland Affiliates subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Short Distance Migrants Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Short Distance Migrants. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Resident Species Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Resident Species. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Overall Species Richness Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Overall Species Richness. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Mid-story and Canopy Nesting Species Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Mid-story and Canopy Nesting Species. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Long Distance Migrants Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Long Distance Migrants. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Insectivores Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Insectivores. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Granivores Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Granivores. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Grassland Specialists Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Grassland Specialists. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Ground Nesting Species Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Ground Nesting Species. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Grassland Affiliates Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Grassland Affiliates. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Forest Affiliates Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Forest Affiliates. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Forest Specialists. Random forest predictions are generated by 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Prediction Intervals for Forest Specialists subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Species with Increasing and Stable Populations Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Species with Increasing and Stable Populations. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Species with Decreasing Populations Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Species with Decreasing Populations. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Prediction Intervals Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Frugivores Random Forest Prediction Intervals for Frugivores. Random forest predictions are generated by subtracting the smallest value predicted by a single tree from the largest value for each location. 500m 2500m 5000m
Comparisons all_spp All species 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons decreasing Decreasing 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons forest_aff Forest affiliates 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons forest_spec Forest speciliasts 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons frugivore Frugivores 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons granivore Granivores 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons grass_aff Grass affiliates 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons grass_spec Grass specialists 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons groundnest Ground Nesters 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons insectivore Insectivores 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons large_range Large range 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons longDist_migrant Long distance migrants 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons midstory_canopy_nest Midstory canopy nesters 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons residents Residents 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons shortDist_migrants Short distance migrants 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons shrub_aff Shrub affiliates 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons shrub_spec Shrub Specialists 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons small_range Small range 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons stable_increasing Increasing 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m
Comparisons threatened Threatened 2500m vs 500m 5000m vs 2500m 5000m vs 500m