Map products in support of sustainable management of Argentina’s forests



Human footprint map integrates data on settlements, transportation, energy, and land use change.

Hotspots of conservation concern provide important information for conservation prioritization. The areas of highest conservation concern represent areas where increasing spatial variability in vegetation greenness and land surface temperature could have large conservation benefits. Where spatial variability is high already, we suggest that protection should strongly be considered in order to maintain the natural biodiversity heritage of Argentina.

The inter-annual variability indices are based on MODIS 16-days Vegetation Indices (MOD13Q1-collection 6; 250-m resolution) and on MODIS 8-day LST (MOD11A2-Collection 6; 1-km resolution).

The spatial variability indices are based on Landsat 8- based EVI and on Band 10 of the thermal infrared sensor (TIRS) from Surface Reflectance Tier 1;30-m resolution.

Phenoclusters characterize forest using both land surface phenology and climate patterns, based on data from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 data from 2018–2019, and highlight forest clusters with unique combinations of vegetation phenology and climate characteristics. We generated 54 forest phenoclusters for which we provide descriptions (see Silveira et al. 2022); The forest phenocluster map is at 30-m spatial resolution.

Diversity of phenoclusters indicates number of forest phenoclusters within 1-km2.

The forest structure attributes (diameter at breast height, basal area, mean height, dominant height, wood volume and canopy cover) at 30-m spatial resolution across the native forests of Argentina are based on SAR Sentinel-1, vegetation metrics from Sentinel-2 and geographic coordinates.

Species richness depicts the number of species of regional importance per pixel. Species of regional importance are those high-profile species representative of different forest regions, and widely recognized and valued by the citizens in a region because of their ecological role, conservation status, and/or cultural values. They include between 12 and 20 species of birds, mammals, trees, and herbaceous plants depending on the forest region (Yungas, Selva Paranaense, Parque Chaqueño, Espinal, and Bosque Andino Patagonico)

Priority conservation areas are areas with the highest number of species of regional importance and the lowest human footprint in each forest region (Yungas, Selva Paranaense, Parque Chaqueño, Espinal, and Bosque Andino Patagonico). They are displayed according to the current forest zonation of Argentina (1=red, 2=yellow, 3=green).

All Maps are in Geographical coordinate system and datum WGS84.


*** By National Datasets ***
Inter-Annual Variability indices
Phenology of Vegetation Greenness (176 MB)
Seasonality of Land Surface Temperature (14 MB)
Spatial Variability indices
Vegetation Greenness (16 GB)
Land Surface Temperature – Summer (16 GB)
Land Surface Temperature – Winter (16 GB)
Land Surface Temperature – Annual (1 GB)
Hotspots of Conservation Concern
Vegetation Greenness (18 MB)
Land Surface Temperature (1 MB)
High Risk (5 MB)
Low Risk (3 MB)
Forest Phenoclusters (192 MB)
Diversity of Forest Phenoclusters (161 MB)
Human Footprint
Forest Map (95 MB)
Wildest Forests At Risk (4 MB)
Forest Structure
DBH (cm) (1.9 GB)
Basal Area (m2/ha) (1.6 GB)
Height (m) (1.8 GB)
Dominant Height (m) (1.9 GB)
Wood Volume (m3/ha) (1.4 GB)
Canopy Cover (%) (1.7 GB)
Species of Regional Importance
Species Richness (12 MB)
Priority Conservation Areas (4 MB)
*** By Forest Regions ***
Bosque Andino Patagonico (1.8 GB)
Delta e Islas del Rio Parana (672 MB)
Espinal (6.8 GB)
Monte (10.4 GB)
Parque Chaqueño (13.9 GB)
Selva Paranaense (815 MB)
Yungas (1.1 GB)
*** By Provinces ***
Buenos Aires (6.8 GB)
Catamarca (2.0 GB)
Chaco (2.0 GB)
Chubut (5.5 GB)
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires (3 MB)
Cordoba (3.4 GB)
Corrientes (1.8 GB)
Entre Rios (1.6 GB)
Formosa (1.5 GB)
Jujuy (1.0 GB)
La Pampa (3.2 GB)
La Rioja (1.9 GB)
Mendoza (3.2 GB)
Misiones (615 MB)
Neuquen (2.1 GB)
Rio Negro (4.7 GB)
Salta (3.1 GB)
San Juan (1.8 GB)
San Luis (1.6 GB)
Santa Cruz (6.4 GB)
Santa Fe (2.8 GB)
Santiago del Estero (2.8 GB)
Tierra del Fuego (608 MB)
Tucuman (464 MB)