Caucasus Land Cover Change
Land-cover and forest/cropland change maps of the Caucasus

Vegetation loss in Caucasus grasslands
Vegetation loss in grasslands in the Caucasus 2002-2018

Changes in the Grasslands of the Caucasus
Changes in the Grasslands of the Caucasus 1987-2019

Historical Land Use in the Carpathians
Land use change in the Carpathians between 1860 and 1960

Trends in Grasslands in Eurasia
Changes in Grasslands Ground Cover Fractions in Eurasia 2002-2020

Impervious/Tree Cover Change around Chicago
Magnitude/Timing of Imperviousness and Tree Cover Change

Building Fate within U.S. Wildfire Perimeters
Building Fate and Rebuilding within U.S. Wildfire Perimeters