Positive and negative change pathways in grassland vegetation cover in the Caucasus 1987-2019. Only changes ≥3 years long are included. The change rates are given in percentage points.
The complete dataset comprises six files with 32 bands each, where each band corresponds to a consecutive year in the 1988-2019 time series.
– LANDSAT_DegradationRate_D1_Stack: annual 1988-2019 mean rate of green vegetation loss (a shift from the green vegetation fraction to soil fraction)
– LANDSAT_DegradationRate_D2_Stack: annual 1988-2019 mean rate of desiccation (a shift from green vegetation to non photosynthetic vegetation fraction)
– LANDSAT_DegradationRate_D3_Stack: annual 1988-2019 mean rate of dry vegetation loss (a shift from non photosynthetic vegetation to soil fraction)
– LANDSAT_RevegetationRate_R1_Stack: annual 1988-2019 mean rate of revegetating green fraction (a shift from soil to green vegetation)
– LANDSAT_RevegetationRate_R2_Stack: annual 1988-2019 mean rate of greening (a shift from non photosynthetic vegetation to green vegetation)
– LANDSAT_RevegetationRate_R3_Stack; annual 1988-2019 mean rate of revegetating dry fraction (a shift from soil to non photosynthetic vegetation)
Raster Data – GeoTiff format – Archive (.7z)
Complete methodology description and accuracy available in the paper.
Data distributed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. The authors accept no responsibility for errors or omissions in this work and shall not be liable for any damage caused by these.
Please cite the data as:
Lewińska, K.E., Buchner, J., Bleyhl, B., Hostert, P., Yin, H., Kuemmerle, T., Radeloff, V.C., 2021, Changes in the grasslands of the Caucasus based on Cumulative Endmember Fractions from the full 1987-2019 Landsat record, Science of Remote Sensing 4, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.srs.2021.100035