Ashley Olah
Honorary Fellow
(608) 890-3160
120 Russell Labs
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
2019: MS Wildlife Ecology, UW Madison
2014: B.S. (double major) Wildlife Ecology, Life Sciences Communication; UW Madison
2024: Ph.D Wildlife Ecology, UW Madison
Research interests
I am interested in research with applications for management and conservation of biodiversity in general, with a particular focus on birds, especially those species which are imperiled or endangered. My Master's research was on Kirtland's Warbler activity patterns at the nest, habitat use, and reproductive success in red pine dominated plantations in central Wisconsin.
Personal interests
I enjoy puttering around in my garden, going birding by the waste water treatment plant, snuggling with my cats, eating dumplings, tacos, and curry, and playing D&D or board games with friends.